
文献抄読会 4/15

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Gandek B, et al.: Development and initial psychometric evaluation of the Participation Measure for Post-Acute Care (PM-PAC). Participation Outcomes. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2007; 86: 57-71.

Objective: To evaluate a patient-reported participation measure constructed within the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Design: The Participation Measure for Post-Acute Care (PM-PAC) contains 51 items that assess participation in nine domains: mobility; role functioning; community, social, and civic life; domestic life/self-care; economic life; interpersonal relationships; communication; work; and education. Self-reported data were collected by interview with 395 noninstitutionalized rehabilitation patients. Psychometric analyses were conducted to test assumptions underlying the scaling and scoring of PM-PAC scales and to evaluate reliability and validity. Results: In general, analyses supported assignment of items to hypothesized scales. However, the community, social, and civic life, interpersonal relationships, and communication domains were highly correlated. Item response theory models indicated that items were directed primarily at people with worse than average limitations in participation than the average patient in this rehabilitation sample. Test and retest scale scores did not differ significantly (intraclass correlation coefficient range, 0.61-0.86). Groups with more severe conditions scored worse on PM-PAC scales, as hypothesized. Conclusions: PM-PAC is a promising new measure of patient-reported participation as defined by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Information about PM-PAC items from this study will be useful in developing a computerized, adaptive measure of participation.


目的:ICFのフレームワーク内で構成された,患者申告型の参加測定(評価)を検討すること.デザイン: PM-PACは参加の9領域,51項目を含む:1)移動,2)生活役割,3)コミュニティライフ・社会生活・市民生活, 4)家庭生活・セルフケア,5)経済生活,6)対人関係, 7)コミュニケーション,8)仕事,9)教育.自己申告のデータは,非公共団体のリハ患者395名からインタビューによって収集された.心理測定的分析は,PM-PACスケールのスコアリングとスケーリングの根拠をなす仮説を検証することと,信頼性と妥当性を検討すること.結果:全体的に,分析は仮説として取り上げられた項目の割当てを支持した.しかしながら,コミュニティライフ・社会生活・市民生活,対人関係,コミュニケーション,の領域には高い相関があった.項目反応理論モデルは,リハビリテーション・サンプルにおいて,平均的な患者,平均的な参加制限,大部分の悪い人々,の項目管理を示唆した.test-retestのスコアに有意差は無かった(ICC; 0.61-0.86).より重度の群は,仮説の通り,PM-PACで低いスコアだった.結論:PM-PACICFによって定義された新しい患者申告型の参加の評価として期待できる.本研究におけるPM-PAC項目の情報は参加測定のCATの開発する際に有益である.

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